Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Simpler time

So I was sitting around here thinking about where i have been in the past 33 years of my life....
I began getting flashbacks of simpler times when it was Mary, Nando and I running around the summer in NYC with our mom not to far from us as we jumped around in the water of the fire hydrant somebody opened on the corner.. How we laughed with the neighborhood kids.. It was so much fun. How my lil sis, cousin lilly and I used to fight over the cutest I remember like it was yesterday.. Lilly loved Miguel.. Mary loved the first Ricky (not ricky martin) and I loved good times.. It seemed like yesterday that wearing banana clips and having jersey hair was so in... Coral orange lipstick with electric blue eyeliner was the shiiiiit.. Jelly shoes and pink pumas where a staple and here to stay...(dont act like you dont know what i am talking about). Madonna's Like a virgin record was out and we knew every word and Michael Jackson ruled the world.... Lets not forget that a bag a chips was .25 cents at the corner bodega..all we needed was 5 aluminum cans to have the $.05 refund to get to oh NYC.. thanks for the memories..
Then there was oh so sweet junior high school in Puerto Rico.. I went through so many musical fazes..hahaha.. I started with NKOTB (I still love them).. I was going to be a lawyer..hahaha didnt happen.. Then it was followed by my heavy metal time that one kind of stuck.. i still love the hair bands. My best friend (jason) in the whole wide world came into my life... Jason showed me the love of Aerosmith and classic southern rock.. Then it was the era of grundge where us boricua chicks that were into it swore we could get dreads.. dammit ma you never let me go there.. I can almost still hear her.. Gina peinate cono!!
I loved my childhood and eventhough it wasnt always easy it made me the woman I am today.. Soon I will blog some more but its not like anyone reads this shit.. I felt good writing it...

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