Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the beginning of the new me...

As i have begun this whole new me process I have felt the need to start fresh in all my aspects from the physical me and the exterior meaning my surroundings.. I know this may sound strange and I even feel like I am sort of having a mid 30's crisis.. I guess I can be a little strange, alot sarcastic and I don't know.. The thing is I know I needed a change in my life and so there it goes and like I have mentioned before this blog is my attempt to express my opinion of the different aspects of my life not to mention the journey of losing weight and quitting smoking (not a easy task) I am attempting to quit my 2 biggest vices.. smoking and publix icing now that they sell by itself in the bakery.. What kind of crap is that? Bastards I cant beleive they are doing this to me. However that right there will be my truest challenge.. I am going to have to stop going to publix or something... ok I digress today is 2 days where i will begin a weightloss program called transformations.. Im excited, scared of failure (since I have tried everything else including Alli) but I am commited the best part is that my husband is doing it with me as well as my best friend jessica! Why did I not do this befor? Why did i have to wait until it got this far..? I dont know but its like I didnt even realize the weight getting here. I have a great support group.. my family, friends but the best ones are my mom and my daughter the best cheerleaders in the world! The only thing i know is that the alternative is not pretty and I just want my little girl to grow up and be proud of her mommy!

1 comments on "the beginning of the new me..."

Mr. + Mr. Rubio on April 22, 2009 at 5:18 PM said...

amiga! this made me cry!! girl, i have known you since 2007, and i will tell you one thing about you. no matter what size, what people love about you is your inside.

you are such a sweet person, and a true friend. i'm so happy i have met you and i want to keep you in my life forever. that is why i am also here to support you and be there for you every step of the way. i too want you to be healthy and i want to finally have a drink someday, lol.

girl, life is full of goals that we must meet. this is one of them, you have to do your part. yes its tough, yes there are day when your going to be hungry. pero poquito a poco se logra.

se te quiere de gratis!


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