Saturday, May 2, 2009

Endometrial Hyperplasia

"In cases of hyperplasia without atypia, the general routine is to use prescription-strength progesterone/progestin therapy for three months, then to retest the endometrium. In milder cases this usually works well. Many healthcare providers use Provera for this purpose, but at Women to Women we use Prometrium, a brand of micronized natural progesterone (at high doses) that the body seems to handle effectively when used properly. Compounded bioidentical progesterone can also be used with great success. We prefer this treatment to Provera because we question how well the body is able to break down and clear synthetic compounds"

That is what I got from the woman to woman website btw that is my latest diagnosis says that it can be reversable and that after a few months and some weight loss I will be ok.. As well as be able to conceive.. OMG I never that trying to concieve would be so difficult and yet frustrating.. I have decided that with the help of God and the support of my friends and family not to mention following docs orders I should finally be normal or at least have a normal monthly!! Its amazing how I love being a woman and at the same time dispise my body.. Is that weird?

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