Saturday, April 25, 2009

This weekend..interesting thus far.

I have to say that this weekend has been awesome..

I got to see some family, got to add a member to our family.. Miss Chloe K Yarbrough pure diva when I saw her I knew she was going to be part of our family forever..

I was able to go bowling with my family today that was exceptionally fun.. Its always nice to hang out with my brother and sister along with the kids that was a real treat!

Today the entertainment community has suffered a great loss I speak of Bea Arthur mostly known for characters in the 70's comedy Maude as well as my personal favorite the Golden Girls, I was truly upset over this loss.. Im sure that her life will be remembered for many years to come.. RIP Bea Arther... Say Hi to Sophia for us Dorothy!

The other night I was watching Larry King Live of course the fact that Dane Cook was on the show didnt encourage me to watch..hahahaha However I did find that both the interviews with Beyonce as well as with Dane were awckward for me.. And why do their heads on this show look gigantic? I dunno just wondering.

What else... Oh yea the long awaited Speidi wedding.. Im not sure who was waiting in complete anticipation for this however my twitter was bombarded by notes between heidi and spencer all friggin day long as well as Perez and Heidi.. Congrats to the both of you Im pretty sure that you deserve eachother. (not that they are going to read this)...

I will this week begin charting my workouts and dieting.. And will be sharing some experiences regarding some past diet fads that I attempted and I want to touch a little on some experiences with some friends gains and even some losses..

Til then..



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