Sunday, May 3, 2009

Go tell it on the mountain...

Today as I stated before was definately a day of reflection..

As I sat in church for what was to me our regular mass we had a visitor at our church helping our normal priest over the service, his name is Father Beiting at first when you see him you see this almost frail man as he followed father brown with difficulty walking and as the initial blessings took place he stood at the right of our priest.. little did i know that this little frail man would have a message that would resonate in me probably for the rest of our life. As he was introduced to the congregation father brown said he was a missionary priest from Kentucky that was visiting us from the mountains of appalachia. I thought to myself where is this place he speaks of however i intently listened as he continued on with the readings and such. After the 3rd reading from scripture father beiting stood up and spoke of his mission not before thanking the congregation for our hospitality (although i didnt even know he was here I was happy that our congregation made him feel welcomed). Father Beiting spoke of the Apalachia mountiains that are in Kentucky and how this place is the most empoverished are of the U.S.A. I dont even think that this type of poverty even existed anymore.. How ignorant and sad I felt he told stories of his missions and some of people he helped how death lurks in he shadows of the mountain. He told stories of rescue and how these people are forgotten.. How that knot in my throat just stayed with me throughout his message... I began thinking to myself how blessed I was that most of my problems were so trivial here we are worried about stupid things like home decor and weight loss or what have you, when some people need to worry about where the next meal is coming from. I dont know maybe I was naive to think that this no longer existed but I hope in the 60 years that this priest has been working this mission that he continues to be blessed and until his last breath he continues to help these people.. I will do my part and this will be my charity that I hold in my heart. For more information go to

May God Continue to bless you father Beiting...

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