Wednesday, June 10, 2009

10 Things you may have not known about me

I was tagged by Steph, So here are the 10 things about me you may not know.

Tell everyone 10 things about you they may not know, but are true
Tag 5 Bloggers with the award
...and we're off.

1. I love being the center of attention!

2. I am deathly afraid of clowns

3. I love cake especially birthday cake! (my weakness)

4. In my head I think I can do things but sometimes I am not succesful.. so if i ever want to give you a haircut just say no!!

5.My daughter is the main reason that I have done everything in my life.

6. I would like to have a cup size d for once in my life.

7.I tend to be insecure sometimes.

8.I am obsessed with justin timberlake (it can be unhealthy)....

9.I still love NKOTB

10. My mom is my Hero!!

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