Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tv and twitter is Rotting our brains....

So for the past few weeks I have been watching TV more often and have realized that TV is definately rotting our brains... I have watched a berade of crap of so called reality TV that I feel that I have to blog about it:

Here is the list of Shows that I have watched and what I think about them:

Housewives of New Jersey: C'mon althought to be honest this is my guilty pleasure... Show us the real housewives of New Jersey or anywhere.. You know the ones like you and me that have to work and grocery shop and that dont look like they are the hottest thing on the planet at 6:04am.. Although some of them dont really look that good without botox and make up.. This one for me was the best season yet!! lol

Brook Knows best: Are you fucking kidding me.?.. I caught one episode where we go over yet once again of hulk hogan and his wife linda's split... Linda you are way to old for that kid and you better stop.. the sad part you kind of remind me of that old lady from the movie There is something about Mary all way to tanned and wrinkled... Then that was followed by a little experiment that Brook and her "roomies" decided to do which was go on a date with someone from the same sex... due to the fact that her male gay roommate had problems with all the losers he dates so why dont you go out with a girl instead... Hey brooke he is Gay and going out with a Chick is not going to make it better... Remember that.. Brooke makes out with a guy I mean girl that looks like he/she is 14.. whatever this is pure menucia.. I changed it to the Golden Girls after that..they never let me down..

Hitched or Ditched: This was so stupid... enough said

Jon and Kate plus 8: Now she gets in trouble for spanking her kids... some kids deserve a damn ass whoppping.... let these people has out their issues people.. btw she looks awesome in a bikini!!

Im a celebrity get me out of here!!: hahahaha speidi sucks... they are the most ridiculous pair of idiots I have ever seen...

Tori and dean: who gives a rats ass! Obviously somebody does because that show is still on..

Denise Richards.. its complicated: lol at this one... I kind of like her but her friends are idiots..

and all of those road rules/ real world competitions: enough already washed out reality show idiots that refuse to leave the tv!

Daisy of Love: Your ugly and I am surprised that most guys find you attractive.. it has got to be the boobs. I hope you get yourself checked out for herpes after the show..

Twitter my newest addiction.. why do I feel compelled to check it every 5 minutes if its not from home its from the blackberry...same as facebook for some reason I need to post mindless tidbits of my day and have to have my peers read it for whatever reason from what i am cooking that evening or how bored I am lets not forget the need to answer mindless crap to others...Oh and lets not forget the need to play vampires, cities and the tons of quizzes that you and your friends insists on taking.. we are in the era of the now.. technology at its best for now.. love it!

Anywho, Lord knows what is in store for the future but this is all I got..

Hugs to all,


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